Parents Lead

Signs & Symptoms: Alcohol

Any of the following signs/symptoms may be cause for concern. If behaviors continue, you may want to seek professional assistance.

Parent Self-Assessment

Parents Lead

Provides parents an idea of how their actions may contribute to their child's likelihood of underage drinking.

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Door Openers vs Door Slammers

When talking with your child, use the following ‘Door Openers’ to keep communication open and non-judgmental.

Media Use & Your Child

Parents LEAD, underage drinking, resource for parents

Studies show that children who watch five or more hours of TV per day are much more likely to try cigarettes and alcohol.

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Tips for Successful Communication

Having ongoing, effective conversations with your child is important, but can be difficult. Here are some tips to ensure your conversations are meaningful.

Video Games and Your Child

Video games and your child when it can become a problem and how to reduce the risk.

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Your Rights as a Parent

It is important to show respect for your child’s privacy; however, if you have concerns for their safety or well-being, you have the right to take action.

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Coaster - Version 2

Designed to reinforce underage drinking prevention efforts among youth.

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