Parents Lead

Parents: Reducing Youth Access to Alcohol

Parents play a critical role in whether their children choose to drink alcohol underage. This flyer highlights strategies for reducing youth access to alcohol and the different underage drinking laws for adults.

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Recovery Housing

This handout highlights the five primary characteristics on recovery housing, a recovery-oriented supportive living environment for individuals wanting to initiate and sustain recovery.

Eight Dimensions of Wellness

Making the eight dimensions of wellness part of daily life can improve mental and physical health for individuals with mental health and/or substance use disorders.

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Signs & Symptoms: Methamphetamine

This handout provides an overview of the signs and symptoms of methamphetamine use and withdrawal as well as common street names and methods of use.

Behavioral Health Continuum of Care Model

This handout provides an overview of the signs and symptoms of methamphetamine use and withdrawal as well as common street names and methods of use.

Substance Exposed Newborns: An Introduction to Solutions

The five-point intervention framework to address the system surrounding substance exposed newborns illustrates five major time frames when intervention in the life of an infant can help reduce the potential harm of prenatal substance exposure. This handout provides a summary of this framework.

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Keys to Prevention: Toddler

At this age, your child learns about the world though watching, listening, touching and manipulating.

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Children’s Exposure to Domestic Violence

Professionals can play a critical role in assisting domestic violence victims and their children. This document provides information about signs and symptoms of children’s exposure to domestic violence and several steps to consider to better serve individuals and families experiencing domestic violence.

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Talking to Your Child about Marijuana

Youth are viewing marijuana more positively and believe marijuana use is not dangerous, but talking openly and honestly with youth about marijuana is one of the most effective ways to prevent them from using it.

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Confronting the Myths About Marijuana

Confronting the myths related to marijuana is essential to provide your child with an accurate view of the harm related to marijuana use.

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