What Works

Knowing what works in prevention, and what doesn’t, is vital to keeping young people from developing serious and life-long issues with addiction, as alcohol and other drug abuse remain the problem behaviors contributing to the most serious problems facing our communities today.

Evidence-Based Strategies

Evidence-based prevention refers to a set of prevention activities that evaluation research has shown to be effective and ...

  • Is guided by several theories of change
  • Is backed by credible evidence of effectiveness derived from rigorous evaluations
  • Follows a process of strategic planning that focuses on integrating thoughtful assessment, design, implementation and evaluation into every effort.
  • Fits the needs of the community and population targeted

Identifying a comprehensive set of evidence-based strategies which can be implemented in multiple settings while working toward a few common goals offers the best chance to prevent substance abuse and lead to positive community change.

To learn more about evidence-based substance abuse prevention in North Dakota, watch the North Dakota Prevention Basics Video: